Call Blocking

CallAudit includes the ability to block calls from specific telephone numbers.  When a telephone number is marked for blocking, incoming calls from this number are answered quickly and then hung up.  CallAudit Voice offers additional options for blocked calls.

Any number of specific telephone numbers can be marked for blocking.  There is no practical limit on the list that can be blocked.  Specific telephone numbers can be marked for blocking, or entire ranges of numbers based on area code and/or exchange.

To mark a specific number for blocking, do the following:

This marks this telephone number for blocking.

You can also block numbers by entire ranges of area codes and/or exchanges.  To block calls from a range of numbers, do the following:

The example above shows that Out of Area and Private calls will be blocked.  It also shows that all calls from area codes 714 and 276 would be blocked, as well as any numbers in the 714 exchange of area code 449.


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